Sunday, May 7, 2017


God slows me down
To listen to birds.
To watch them hop and peck
And drill and perch and soar.
To hear them twit and
Chirrup and cheet.
No plan.  Just enjoyment.

God stops my good-deeding
To rest on the porch
And hear the lovely practice notes
Of the girl in the orange shirt
Waiting for her violin lesson;
Sweet tones, unexpected delight,
Mingling with bird songs.

Red-headed woodpecker and
Stout-billed cardinal and
Blue-winged jay bird and
Soft tan mourning dove.
They were outside my closed window
All along.

Why do I strive to seek, to find,
And not to yield,
But He stops me?
My inner pulse beats
. do . not . go . gentle .
But He whispers

With an inward heart Ulysses
But an outer shell Telemachus,
I have no choice.
He is stronger than I.
Rest til I receive
Or wrestle til I faint.

His purposes are high,
I cannot contain them –

Violins and bird songs.

“All the earth bows down to You,
They sing praise to You,
They sing praise to your Name.”
--Psalm 66:4

-ldm 5/7/17