Monday, July 24, 2017

FULL of Grace AND Truth?!

“We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father,
 full of 
grace and truth.”
“For the law was given through Moses; 
grace and truth 
came through Jesus Christ.”
--Jn. 1:14, 17

            What an anomaly it is to see someone who has both grace AND truth!

Some people camp out on truth.  Their standards are high. They expect a lot of themselves and others.  They reach for the stars.  But they tend to be judgmental.

            Some people camp out on grace.  They are compassionate and forgiving.  They set the bar low so that the hurting, the broken, and the weak can benefit.  But they tend to have bad boundaries, and they may ignore fact and rely on feelings.

            Jesus alone was full of both grace and truth.  He could rigidly say that “not one jot or tittle will pass from the Law without being fulfilled,” but then also forgive and release the woman caught in adultery.  He could receive and bless every little child, but call the Pharisees “You brood of vipers!” and “Hypocrites!”

            When you see someone full of both grace and truth, they have received it from Jesus, who received it from the Father. 

            You and I can be those people today – who receive “blessing after blessing” from Jesus, as John says.  May it be said of each of us – “They are full of grace and truth.”