Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Sermon for Joel

from Grandma Stories: God’s Little Miracles by LDMahan

Have you ever done something that really surprised your parents?  Maybe you have even surprised yourself!  This is the story of a boy named Joel who surprised people by preaching at a young age.

Joel was four-years-old and he had just attended Vacation Bible School at a nearby church.  One day he announced to his surprised mother and his little sister that they must “Sit down, the service is about to start!”  Her son pulled a large stereo speaker to one side of the room as a pulpit and arranged his small Bible on top of it.  The mom, with half a grin on the outside (but a HUGE grin on the inside) pulled up chairs for herself and her 2-year-old daughter, creating a “congregation.”

He opened with prayer.  He taught a Bible story about Peter, using his Bible story book as prop.  Then he lead them in a song called “I will make you fishers of men,” complete with hand motions.  His congregation of two interrupted his sermon and songs with hearty “Amens!” and when he was finished they clapped loudly.

His mother was convinced that she was seeing a future preacher in action!

Many years passed and the boy continued to love the Lord.  He worshiped openly in church, and sometimes adults watched him. He was a witness to his classmates and a good example to his little sisters. 

Later, the family became part of a church group that met in homes.  In this group the children were taught along with the parents, and were encouraged to worship and learn with the adults as much as possible.  One day the pastor of this small group asked who would like to bring the scriptural message the next week, and twelve-year-old Joel answered, “I will.”

Now, his parents were really surprised, but they tried not to show it.  After all, hadn’t they just been teaching the children that the same Holy Spirit ministers to and through them as with the adults?  As the week went by, Joel’s mother prayed for him and for his message, and kept a watchful eye to see if he was working on it!  Saturday came, and she reminded him of his promise to preach the next day.  Without any seeming anxiety, he went into his bedroom and closed the door.  When he came out a couple of hours later, he announced that his message was going to be on faith

At this point his mother needed faith--not to get worried on his behalf!  It was no small thing for a twelve-year-old boy to speak to adults, even if it was a small group in someone’s home.  How would he do?

But she needn’t have worried.  He talked about faith from the scriptures.  He told stories of faith and of answered prayer from his parents’ years of preparing for ministry.  His parents were stunned (that means they were so surprised they could hardly speak) at how easily he spoke, and the whole group embraced the message.  His mother inwardly glowed.

Later that same year this boy announced that he wanted to become a ...  doctor.  So, his early preaching was not a signal of his future career, but it was a sign of the touch of God on his life.

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