Thursday, February 24, 2011


The Bible sometimes offers rewards with a catch.

Blessed is the woman* who fears the LORD,
            Who finds great delight in his commands.
Her children will be mighty in the land,
            The generation of the upright will be blessed.
                                                            Psalm 112: 1-2                      

      Here is a reward with a catch.  We get to be blessed if we obey. Not only if we obey, but if we like to obey.  Well, that rules me out!  How about you.  Next, there is a blessing for my children, which also has a condition.  If I am doing right in my life, then they will be great in reputation and accomplishment.  Wow—scary.

      But wait; maybe I’ve read it wrong.  Let me try again. Let’s see, the first condition is that I “fear the LORD,” which means that I don’t want to find out what will happen if I don’t obey!  Check.  Second condition is that I “find great delight” in his commands.  The operative word here is “find.”  First I have to DO and then I EXPERIENCE.  That’s when I FIND.  Oh, well that is easier.  Now, let me think back.

      When I was a teenager I never wanted to obey.  The idea of obedience was counterproductive to my strong inclinations, and even to my growth into the person I wanted to become.  Let me give you an example.  When I was 15, my mom told me I could not go to youth group; I had too much homework and I had to do the dishes.  She told me I could not fast; I was still growing and besides I was probably in a cult to have such an idea!  But I HAD to go to youth group.  Youth group was my life – both socially and spiritually.  Conclusion: obedience was bad for my health.

      Then, having gone to youth group one night, I learned from the leaders that obedience to my parents was in the Bible.  Oh no!  Now I had a dilemma.  I went home and told my mom that I had not respected her and that I would from then on do what she said.  I’ll never forget—my single-parent, overburdened mom stood in the doorway, with silent tears running down her cheeks.  She then said I could go to youth group again after I did the dishes.  Conclusion: when I obeyed God, I did FIND a blessing I hadn’t expected – RELATIONSHIP with my mom.  I also gained permission to do the heartfelt things that would aid my spiritual growth—for I’m sure my words and actions spoke most persuasively to my mom that I was not involved in a cult.

      I have continued to experience the blessings of obedience in my life, even though the commands have gotten steeper.  FORGIVE those who persecute you.  RELEASE those you love the most. LEAN on God, rather than on your own efforts, for financial provision.

      What did I FIND that I can share with you—I HAVE REWARDS!

[*Scripture verse from the NIV reads: man]

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