Friday, June 21, 2013


Trying to impress a date was an extreme sport back in the day – and there were many events in this decathlon of the sexes.  And also many epic fails.

          Brunette, hazel-eyed Ruth was in high school when she was allowed to start dating.  Friday night was the big date night.  A certain young man asked her out for a special dinner after several dates.  She looked forward to it as she laid out her clothes for school the night before, set her hair in pin curls, and planned the date-night dress she would change into before her young man arrived at 7 pm.

          She breezed through all her classes that day, being a good student – English, Typing, Mathematics – all except for Biology, because they had to dissect a frog that day.

          As she approached the science classroom, she inhaled the stomach-turning stench of formaldehyde.  She grimaced as she spied the row of jars containing pickled frogs of various sizes.  But it was no use to turn away – the deed had to be done.  She and her classmates spread the hapless frogs out onto tables, followed the teacher’s directions, and soon there were amphibian body parts spread everywhere.

          She was never so glad to get out of a classroom when the bell rang.  Running home and filling up the clawfoot tub with hot water – she tried to scrub off the stench –and the memory – of the day’s activities.  She was going on a date with a handsome man!

          Finally, dusted in talcum and dressed to the nines, she emerged in the front room
to find her date waiting.  He opened the car door for her, and they chatted pleasantly on the way to the restaurant he had picked.

          When they arrived, he whispered something to the maî·tre d', pulled back a chair and seated her, and sat opposite her with a half-grin on his face.

          The thought crossed her mind that he was planning something secret – this was a special date – but she suppressed the thought and grinned to herself, “Don’t spoil it,” she mused.  There was enough to enjoy just as it was, with the bustle of waiters balancing food trays, couples being escorted to their seats, and a well-groomed and cologne-scented man sitting across from her.

          They sipped their iced tea and chatted about school.  When she told him about science class he got a funny look on his face.

Just then the waiter emerged carrying a beautiful tray with a silver cover.  She gasped and tried to suppress a horrified “squawk” as he gracefully lifted the lid and presented the dish.  Frog Legs!!

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