I once read that a family crisis can be like a hurricane. Sometimes the winds blow and the rain beats down and then it all blows over. But sometimes the wind and rain ravage everything and leave only a path of destruction behind. We've seen some pictures of that kind of destruction this week in Texas.
Recovery from this hurricane damage, we are told, is going to be a marathon not a sprint. It's the same with recovery from family crisis. The main difference is that the scars are invisible -- on the inside of each family member's heart.
And just as with a hurricane, after a family has suffered through domestic violence, death, or divorce there are the desperate immediate needs, but then months and years later there is still need for healing.
If you have gone through a crisis that split your family, be gentle with yourself, and remember the self-care that will be needed emotionally and spiritually in times to come. It's a marathon, but you can do this!
And if you have friends who have experienced family devastation, like a hurricane, check in with them from time to time to see how their healing process is going. 

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