Thursday, May 6, 2010

Forget Fame—it’s too scary!

Actually, you are scary. I never wanted to be in the spotlight. In elementary school, getting attention meant being laughed at. Are any of my old grade school chums out there listening? You are my witnesses—didn’t I get laughed at and teased? Wait a minute … you’re the one who called me bucky beaver (that was before I got my braces) and bag-of-bones (that was before puberty). You scared me!!

Never mind. I forgive you. Somebody else was probably calling you names.

The problem is, I have never quite gotten over you. Whenever I get attention, I feel scared. Does that happen to you?

When I was younger, I just buried myself in my safe books (you called me nerd). But I despised and almost failed Speech class! When I had read and studied so much I thought I would burst, then I would write wonderful creative things (at home, in my safe room).

Wonderful creative things … that I rarely let anyone read.

By now I have drawers full of essays, journals full of thoughtful meditations, and a smattering of poetry and short stories in computer files. They rarely see the light of day. All because I’m scared of you.

Now, aren’t you ashamed of yourself, to scare me like that?!

It’s OK. It’s not really your fault. I was just being cowardly. Remember that Cowardly Lion who couldn’t face the Wizard of Oz? Well, he got a clue. He stopped hiding and helped his friends. HE ROARED.

OK … so here I go. Cover your ears … ROOOOAAAARRRR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!

Talking to you is not so frightening, after all. You are not as scary as I thought!!! I like you!!!


  1. Nah, we are only trying to scare you before you scare us. Don't forget that when the Lion went to the Wizard he saw a terrifying scene. But it was all a show, a facade. So roar away- we are listening now.

  2. Hey Lorraine,
    I just landed on your bloggy and I had to say good for you! Roar, girl! Let it out.

    I was a middle child- all I wanted was some attention. LOL.

    But seriously, I really am a a 'strange' case. I loved public speaking. Speeches? No problem! But one on one conversations, no way. Like going to the doctor/ordering food/talking on the phone/I experience fight or flight. Weird, huh?

    Anyways, just wanted to let you know that I had a look at your blog and liked it :D

  3. OK! I am Blogger ... hear me roar. So cool, Rebecca and Sarira, to hear your comments!
