Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ouch!!! You stepped on my boundaries…

Do you get MAD when someone tromps on your foot? Does your foot throb? Your hurt and anger are signals that someone just ignored your personal space. Recently I’ve read a lot about “boundaries,” which is just another term for personal space.

If you notice a lot of anger and hurt in your life—you might want to ask: Who is tramping all over mine? Maybe your “No Trespassing!” signs have fallen into disrepair. Or—maybe you never put them up in the first place—doesn’t sound “nice”!

Believe me (I hope you will), you are not doing yourself OR your neighbors any favors. Boundaries promote health. Aching feet are not healthy feet.

A familiar Bible verse, in an older translation, always grabs my attention:

“Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Matthew 6:12.

Jesus didn’t say, “Take down the signs” or “Ignore the postings.” Instead He says: DEAL WITH what happens when you or someone else is hurting because of trampled boundaries.

When someone drives their 4 x 4 across your carefully manicured lawn—DEAL with it (and not with a shotgun).

When your husband is late for your carefully prepared dinner three nights running, no phone call—DEAL with it (and not by nagging).

If you slap your teenager in a moment of anger—DEAL with it (and not by minimizing).

DEALING is the key to any kind of relationship:

No deal—no game.

No game—no fun.

So, please get off my foot. I’ll soak it in Epsom’s and you help me bandage it. Tomorrow you can give me a pedicure!

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